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Created on Wed May 30 2018Last updated on Thu May 02 2024

namespace App\Validator\Constraints;

use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint;

* @Annotation
class DtoUniqueEntity extends Constraint
public const NOT_UNIQUE_ERROR = 'e777db8d-3af0-41f6-8a73-55255375cdca';

protected static $errorNames = [

public $em;

public $entityClass;

public $errorPath;

public $fieldMapping = [];

public $ignoreNull = true;

public $message = 'This value is already used.';

public $repositoryMethod = 'findBy';

public function getDefaultOption()
return 'entityClass';

public function getRequiredOptions()
return ['fieldMapping', 'entityClass'];

public function getTargets()
return self::CLASS_CONSTRAINT;

public function validatedBy()
return DtoUniqueEntityValidator::class;


Created on Wed May 30 2018Last updated on Thu May 02 2024

namespace App\Validator\Constraints;

use App\Form\DataTransferObject\DataTransferObjectInterface;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\UniqueConstraintViolationException;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintValidator;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception\ConstraintDefinitionException;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception\UnexpectedTypeException;

class DtoUniqueEntityValidator extends ConstraintValidator
/** @var DtoUniqueEntity */
private $constraint;

private $em;

private $entityMeta;

private $registry;

private $repository;

/** @var DataTransferObjectInterface */
private $validationObject;

public function __construct(ManagerRegistry $registry)
$this->registry = $registry;

public function validate($object, Constraint $constraint)
// Set arguments as class variables
$this->validationObject = $object;
$this->constraint = $constraint;

// Map types to criteria
$this->entityMeta = $this->getEntityManager()->getClassMetadata($this->constraint->entityClass);
$criteria = $this->getCriteria();
// skip validation if there are no criteria (this can happen when the
// "ignoreNull" option is enabled and fields to be checked are null
if (empty($criteria)) {

$result = $this->checkConstraint($criteria);
// If no entity matched the query criteria or a single entity matched,
// which is the same as the entity being validated, the criteria is
// unique.
if (!$result || (1 === \count($result) && current($result) === $this->entityMeta)) {

// Property to which to return the violation
$objectFields = array_keys($this->constraint->fieldMapping);
$errorPath = null !== $this->constraint->errorPath
? $this->constraint->errorPath
: $objectFields[0];

// Value that caused the violation
$invalidValue = isset($criteria[$this->constraint->fieldMapping[$errorPath]])
? $criteria[$this->constraint->fieldMapping[$errorPath]]
: $criteria[$this->constraint->fieldMapping[0]];

// Build violation
->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatWithIdentifiers($invalidValue))

private function checkTypes()
if (!$this->validationObject instanceof DataTransferObjectInterface) {
throw new UnexpectedTypeException($this->validationObject, DataTransferObjectInterface::class);

if (!$this->constraint instanceof DtoUniqueEntity) {
throw new UnexpectedTypeException($this->constraint, DtoUniqueEntity::class);

if (null === $this->constraint->entityClass || !\class_exists($this->constraint->entityClass)) {
throw new UnexpectedTypeException($this->constraint->entityClass, Entity::class);

if (!\is_array($this->constraint->fieldMapping) || 0 === \count($this->constraint->fieldMapping)) {
throw new UnexpectedTypeException($this->constraint->fieldMapping, '[objectProperty => entityProperty]');

if (null !== $this->constraint->errorPath && !is_string($this->constraint->errorPath)) {
throw new UnexpectedTypeException($this->constraint->errorPath, 'string or null');

private function getEntityManager()
if (null !== $this->em) {
return $this->em;

if ($this->constraint->em) {
$this->em = $this->registry->getManager($this->constraint->em);

if (!$this->em) {
throw new ConstraintDefinitionException(sprintf('Object manager "%s" does not exist.',
} else {
$this->em = $this->registry->getManagerForClass($this->constraint->entityClass);

if (!$this->em) {
throw new ConstraintDefinitionException(sprintf('Unable to find the object manager associated with an entity of class "%s".',

return $this->em;

private function getCriteria()
$validationClass = new \ReflectionClass($this->validationObject);

$criteria = [];
foreach ($this->constraint->fieldMapping as $objectField => $entityField) {

// DTO Property (key) should exist on DataTransferObject
if (!$validationClass->hasProperty($objectField)) {
throw new ConstraintDefinitionException(sprintf(
'Property for fieldMapping key "%s" does not exist on this Object.',

// Entity Property (value) should exist in the Entity Class
if (!property_exists($this->constraint->entityClass, $entityField)) {
throw new ConstraintDefinitionException(sprintf(
'Property for fieldMapping key "%s" does not exist in given EntityClass.',

// Entity Property (value) should exist in the ORM
if (!$this->entityMeta->hasField($entityField) && !$this->entityMeta->hasAssociation($entityField)) {
throw new ConstraintDefinitionException(sprintf(
'The field "%s" is not mapped by Doctrine, so it cannot be validated for uniqueness.',

$fieldValue = $validationClass->getProperty($objectField)->getValue($this->validationObject);

// validation doesn't fail if one of the fields is null and if null values should be ignored
if (null === $fieldValue && !$this->constraint->ignoreNull) {
throw new UniqueConstraintViolationException('Unique value can not be NULL');

$criteria[$entityField] = $fieldValue;

if (null !== $criteria[$entityField] && $this->entityMeta->hasAssociation($entityField)) {
/* Ensure the Proxy is initialized before using reflection to
* read its identifiers. This is necessary because the wrapped
* getter methods in the Proxy are being bypassed.

return $criteria;

private function checkConstraint($criteria)
$result = $this->getRepository()->{$this->constraint->repositoryMethod}($criteria);

if ($result instanceof \IteratorAggregate) {
$result = $result->getIterator();

/* If the result is a MongoCursor, it must be advanced to the first
* element. Rewinding should have no ill effect if $result is another
* iterator implementation.
if ($result instanceof \Iterator) {
if ($result instanceof \Countable && 1 < \count($result)) {
$result = [$result->current(), $result->current()];
} else {
$result = $result->current();
$result = null === $result ? [] : [$result];
} elseif (\is_array($result)) {
} else {
$result = null === $result ? [] : [$result];

return $result;

private function formatWithIdentifiers($value)
if (!is_object($value) || $value instanceof \DateTimeInterface) {
return $this->formatValue($value, self::PRETTY_DATE);

if ($this->entityMeta->getName() !== $idClass = get_class($value)) {
// non unique value might be a composite PK that consists of other entity objects
if ($this->getEntityManager()->getMetadataFactory()->hasMetadataFor($idClass)) {
$identifiers = $this->getEntityManager()->getClassMetadata($idClass)->getIdentifierValues($value);
} else {
// this case might happen if the non unique column has a custom doctrine type and its value is an object
// in which case we cannot get any identifiers for it
$identifiers = [];
} else {
$identifiers = $this->entityMeta->getIdentifierValues($value);

if (!$identifiers) {
return sprintf('object("%s")', $idClass);

array_walk($identifiers, function (&$id, $field) {
if (!is_object($id) || $id instanceof \DateTimeInterface) {
$idAsString = $this->formatValue($id, self::PRETTY_DATE);
} else {
$idAsString = sprintf('object("%s")', get_class($id));

$id = sprintf('%s => %s', $field, $idAsString);

return sprintf('object("%s") identified by (%s)', $idClass, implode(', ', $identifiers));

private function getRepository()
if (null === $this->repository) {
$this->repository = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository($this->constraint->entityClass);

return $this->repository;